• About Us

    Punjab Biodiversity Board (PBB) has been set up as a statutory body by Punjab Govt. under section 22 of the Biological Diversity Act (BD Act), 2002, promulgated by the Ministry of Environment Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, in response to actions required to be taken up under the International Convention on Biological…

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  • Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs)

    Under Sec. 41 of the BD Act, 2002, Every local body (District/Block/Village/ULB) is required to constitute a Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) within its area of jurisdiction for the purpose of promoting conservation, sustainable use and documentation of biological diversity including preservation of habitats, conservation of land races, folk varieties and cultivars, domesticated stocks and breeds…

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  • People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs)

    One of the main function of each Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) is to prepare prepare/record and maintain People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) of their respective areas in consultation with the local people. The Register contains comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local biological resources, their medicinal or any other use or any other traditional knowledge…

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  • Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHS)

    Under Section 37 of BD Act, 2002, the State Government in consultation with concerned State Biodiversity Board & local bodies may from time to time notify in the official gazette, areas of biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHSs). BHSs are unique ecosystems having rich biodiversity comprising; wild and domesticated species/varieties, high endemism & presence…

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  • Threatened Flora & Fauna

    Under section-38 of Biological Diversity Act 2002, the Central Government, in consultation with the concerned State Government and State Biodiversity Board, may from time to time notify any species which is on the verge of extinction or likely to become extinct in the near future as a ‘Threatened Species” and prohibit or regulate collection thereof…

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  • Access & Benefit Sharing

    The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 affirms the sovereign rights of the States over their biological resources and mandates State Biodiversity Boards to facilitate fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of commercial use of biological resources, so that the funds can be ploughed back for conservation & promotion of biological resources and socio-economic development…

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  • Training & Capacity Building

    Punjab Biodiversity Board is continuously undertaking series of activities such as awareness cum Training & Capacity Building programmes, celebrations of important days related to Biodiversity and Environment, Participatory Rural Appraisal, PBR Orientation etc. with the involvement of different stakeholders and line Departments, Biodiversity Management Committees, Academic institutions (Universities, Colleges, and Schools) and Pro-active NGOs for…

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