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Outreach Activities

One of the many tasks of Punjab Biodiversity Board is that to generate a sense of responsibility in general public towards biodiversity conservation & its importance. From the past 14 years, Board is pro-actively involved in several such efforts by liaising with Line Departments, Educational Institutes, NGOs and organizations such as BMCs, Forest Department, Department of Rural Development & Panchayats, Department of Local Government, Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Schools, Colleges, 5600 Eco-Clubs, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), NGOs, Experts from various fields and other Knowledge Holders etc.

Comprehensive Training, Capacity Building & Awareness programs are being conducted by the Board regularly throughout Punjab State. For training and awareness of BMCs and general masses, Board prepares special type of material/modules/literature and also revises it regularly for various events. Moreover various workshops are also being organized by the Board on Green Film Making for Conservationists/Environmentalists and other Knowledge holders. Furthermore, the Board has also taken up the initiative for preparation of short films for social media to highlight the importance of biodiversity in Punjab’s cultural heritage and folklore. Some of the activities recently conducted by the Board are given below:

Asian Water Bird Census 2022, Keshopur Miani

The “AWC 2022” was organized by Punjab Biodiversity Board in collaboration with WWF, India on 12th February, 2022 at Keshopur- Miani Community Reserve (Designated Ramsar Site), District Gurdaspur, Punjab. Five Village Level Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) of village Keshopur, Miani, Dalla, Matwa and Magarmudhian which are nearby the Keshopur Miani Wetland were involved by Punjab Biodiversity Board for creating awareness about wetlands and Waterbirds among them.

Dignitaries from WWF, Forest Officials and Officers from the Board gave brief introduction about AWC 2022, and raised the awareness about water birds, water bird conservation issues and local conservation activities at wetlands. Approximately, 24,700 plus birds of 63 species were identified during AWC 2022.

Identification of Tree Species at MGSIPA Complex

Identification & mapping of Tree diversity along with signage installation at MGSIPA Complex by Punjab Biodiversity Board in collaboration with Punjab State Council for Science and Technology.

Plantation of Tecomella undulata (Rohida) (notified Threatened species of Punjab)

Plantation of 500 saplings of Tecomella undulata, a near extinction species notified u/s 38 of BD Act was carried out in 3 villages i.e. Dabawali Roherianwali (District Fazilka), Rohurianwali (Sri Muktsar Sahib), Ruherianwali (Sri Muktsar Sahib).

PRAs/Training cum Capacity Building Programs

Training & capacity building programs for BMCs, Line departments and other stakeholders are conducted by the Board throughout the year.

  • Green Film Making workshops for the communication of Green Initiatives for Knowledge holders and 5600 Eco-clubs.
  • Documentaries on “Cultural and Biodiversity Heritage in collaboration with BMCs.
  • Comprehensive programs for BMCs are conducted with the involvement of District Administrations, Department of Rural Development and Panchayats (DRDP) & Department of Local Government (DLG), Govt. of Punjab, BMCs, Academic institutions and pro-active NGOs through people`s participation.
  • To bring treasures of scientific knowledge about biodiversity & folklore together, Board has launched a year-long short film series on social media. 12 short films would be prepared under the initiative for posting on Social media handles of PBB & PSCST. The following short films have been posted on Social media:-
    • A Short Film on ‘Salvadora oleoides’ commonly known as Peelu in Punjabi was posted on 22nd May, 2022.
    • A Short Film on ‘Psittacula krameri’ commonly known as Indian Parakeets (Tota) was posted in the month of 22nd June, 2022.
    • A Short film on ‘Dalbergia sissoo’– Shisham (Tahli) (State Tree of Punjab) was posted on 22nd July, 2022.
    • A Short film on Triticum aestivum (Bread wheat) was posted on 22nd August, 2022.
    • A Short film on Vachellia nilotica (Babool) was posted on 22nd September, 2022.